有沒有聽過人們拋出諸如簡易資訊聚合或. XML,你困惑地皺起眉頭,但還是點了點頭,因為你不想承認自己沒有頭緒?這篇博文將通過介紹博客最重要術語的基礎知識來揭開一些神秘的面紗。
Alternative text/tag or attribute - This has lots of common names and all mean the same thing. This should be used in HTML as the following or if using a CMS applied in the field tied to an image for the purpose of describing an image. An alt tag is helpful to both users and search engines should the image not fully render. Alt text is a word of phrase that describes an image on the web.
Anchor text - Used to anchor a URL to some text on a web page. When users view the web page in a browser, they can click the text to activate the link and visit the page whose URL is in the link. Example: This is anchor text
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